The product code for a luminophore is created using the following sequence of characters
where –#nnn is the Batch CODE, # will range from A to Z and nnn from 1 to 999.
A = type of lanthanide
B = ligand structure
C = active binding group – the moiety that binds to target
D = conjugate status
W = relative hydrophilic range – the ligand is dissolved in DMF at a concentration of 50 mg/ml and a maximum volume of 20 µL of this solution is added to 1ml of FEB solution.
N = ligand status / chelated with target ion or not
Example, BHHCT as pure ligand, has a chlorosulfonate binding group, is without added Eu3+ and was produced from the first batch A = E; B = T; C = C; D = X; W = 0; N = 0, batch code = A001 then BHHCT has product code ETCX00-A001